little ridges in your ballsack after you come inside after a snowball fight and take a piss
Dude the speens on my nuts are deeper and harder than when i had rough buttsex with bruce
by zack January 11, 2003
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little knicks on your nutsack you get when you are trying to shave your nutsack and it is cold. this happens because when it is cold, your balls get hard and shrivled, thus you are more succeptible to knicks
Christ Tad can you lend me some neosporin for the speens i have on my balls?
by zack January 11, 2003
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Noun: a person who indulges in the act of speening. perj.

Speening: verb: the act of cleaning/gnawing the dried fecal matter out of a man's arse, spitting it into a mug, putting the mug into a microwave for 30 seconds on HIGH and then drinking it as a hot beverage.
''Man that dude is such a speen!!''

''Those guys are so bad at football, they probably spend too much time speening each other at home!!''
by Strangely Brown November 13, 2018
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To speen is to blame an individual for causing you to forget something that they should not have know about yet should have told you anyway.
JESUS KIM! You bloody speened again!
by Collins92 July 22, 2008
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(Noun) Someone who will consume the resources of another with sociopathic unappreciation. Someone who mooches from another with a cruel lack of concern for them or their needs.
That guy at the party who drank three 12 packs while I only had two beers was a real speen.
"You used the last roll of toilet paper and left none on the spindle!" "You're such a speen!"
"Where's the other half of my bag you fucking speen?"
by Stan Onymous September 2, 2014
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Is an evil clone of an gamejolter which is kinda stupid, and talks in all caps.
I am afraid that SPEEN might take over the world.
by ZBP Animations October 20, 2020
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SpEEn is the god of the spinning.
he speens in the void,we think thats enough proof.

who the fuck is jesus near speen,noone.
SpEEn says


and use of Crocs in here is totally ok.
by eunaleis May 26, 2020
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