2 definitions by Strangely Brown

Noun: a penis (specifically the glans).

The word is derived from the mythical time traveller, the Shex King, who when not travelling through time getting everyone so stoned they sleep for hundreds of years, usually resides on this throne in his home planet which is constructed from a selection of knobs from various galaxies.

Also known for his trademark ''Howzit?!'' greeting when said people awaken from their weed induced slumber.
Suck my shex!!

I got my shex caught in my zipper - so painful
by Strangely Brown November 13, 2018
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Noun: a person who indulges in the act of speening. perj.

Speening: verb: the act of cleaning/gnawing the dried fecal matter out of a man's arse, spitting it into a mug, putting the mug into a microwave for 30 seconds on HIGH and then drinking it as a hot beverage.
''Man that dude is such a speen!!''

''Those guys are so bad at football, they probably spend too much time speening each other at home!!''
by Strangely Brown November 13, 2018
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