Shortened version of Sweaty Nuts
My jock strap gives me the worst case of snuts
by K Dizzle & S Cizzle November 22, 2004
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A smore which is made with peanut butter instead of chocolate. There is a snut variation known as a chocolate snut which is a regular smore with peanut butter.
by KingDaveForever May 27, 2013
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a word used after saying ones name and a response of “what”
Hey Peter
by maddux523 August 19, 2021
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Simple - Shit with nuts in it = SNUT. Next...
Man I just dropped a big ol'e SNUT bar in the bowl.
by colost0mybag August 13, 2011
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Guy 1: Dude, last night Lisa totally snutted me.

Guy 2: I love when I nut and she snut.
by Dan Gheesling September 27, 2017
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A Social Networking Slut. (See also SNORE).

You know the ones, the friend whores..the collectors..especially in this case, the ones who use Facebook, etc. to get laid and collect friends of friends to flirt and/or hook up with.

It used to be people were just "SLUTS"..for being easy and good to go with people they might have just met in a bar or at a party, etc.

Now, they use social networking sites and go after their friends' friends, add them, flirt, and hook up.

People/your "friends" who go through your Facebook and My Space, etc friends lists and try to add them to their even if they have never met them?

Those people who think they really and truly have 500+ "friends"...And a good percentage they have hooked up with.
OMG..what a total SNUT! He does that shit all the time with my girlfriends! I am SO deleting him! What a user!
by Jello Queen February 6, 2011
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margo, from the west coast, still carried her snotty attitude around in northern vermont, where she was known as a little loose, yet ultra-snobby, making her an outright snut.
by vinny van go-go April 7, 2010
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