A word that means absolutely nothing but is fun to say, usually referring to another person or friend.
It is also what a smurf's queef is called.
"yo smeef, did you hear that smurf's smeef just now"
by buttsnstuff November 1, 2016
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The Opposite of Papa Smurf, he is a cool guy and a real ladies man and has a lot of friends. He also has big pee pee
Papi Smeef is so much better than Papa Smurf and Evan Clark
by Papi Smeef October 2, 2018
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To move in a sneaky and creepy manner with malice in mind.
I was smeefing around this guys base in rust, while he was inside doing charlie work.
by slarx March 25, 2021
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Queef + Smegma. When you have sex with a cheesy dick and feel the gassy aftermath.
I banged a hobo and now I feel a smeef coming on.
by Smeefmaster_flex April 12, 2016
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Dude, you know. That fat chick from last week? She smeefed when I ate her out.
by Wakawaka36 March 23, 2016
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