a shout in the distance exclaims "Dicks out for harambe".

nek minnut, Oh my god.. is that Jason with his dick out. That guy is such a sleeze
by KingPinBigBaller November 28, 2016
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Used to describe attempting to get with a boy/girl on a night out"
'Mate, I am on the sleeze tonight'
'Pure sleezing on her later'
by Tom O'C February 25, 2008
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Toys can go play.
Mess with Sleez, and you gonna get sliced up bad as buttered toast on tuesdays!
by SLEEZ [MOD Graffix Krew] November 20, 2004
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(n) someone who travels in a traffic lane adjacent to the lane he will soon need to be in, and cuts into the desired lane at the last possible moment.

(v) to need to be in a certain traffic lane and to get there by traveling in an adjacent lane and then cutting into the desired lane at the last moment.
(n) I should merge now, before I end up being a total sleeze.

(v) I wish I could will myself to merge into the proper lane now, but I could get ahead of a lot of cars if I keep going, and then sleeze in at the last minute.
by enn jay February 4, 2010
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a mixture of the verbs to sleep and to sneeze, a sleeze occurs when someone is sleeping nearby and you either feel a natural sneeze coming on, or you stick something up your nose (i.e. hair clip, belt buckle pointy thing, pencil, tampon, someones finger, etc..) and force a sneeze so you shower them in mucousy goodness. very fun to do on long trips in the car, at parties or anywhere else someone has fallen asleep. WARNING: upon possible awakenment prepare to be hit, bit, burned, pushed, made weird faces at, or even farted on in return.
Jen: Look at him sleeping there. a-a-a-aaa-aaaaachhoooooooo!

Kayla: You just sneezed on him ew! Look at all of the booger nuggets!

Jen: Not a sneeze, a sleeze. :)
by jfrench! August 24, 2008
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A sleeze is a loser who doesn’t want to do anything with their life. -sameria davis
“He didn’t even want to wake up for work, he’s such a sleeze
by Meriainthearea July 3, 2019
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