When something completely unforeseen goes horribly wrong beyond mortal comprehension in something that should be normal and routine. This is the ultimate form of 'Murphy's Law".
A porn virus was uploaded onto a school server that uses proxies, but the server has no anti-virus, a shitstorm ensued.
by Versedhorison October 25, 2009
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When you shit in her mouth and she shits in yours and you 69 and then you fuck her and then cum in her.
Ricky: “You’ll never guess what happened to me last night!”
Max: “What!?”
Ricky: “Nah she let me shitstorm last night it was wild?”
Max: “Did you take a shitstorm shot?”
Ricky: “Of course you can’t miss out on the shitstorm shot!”
by Jank Allah May 6, 2022
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American: "Barack Obama was just elected President, and the Democrats control both houses of Congress. I can smell a shitstorm coming."

Soldier: "Barack Obama is now CINC-WEST and I'm in Iraq. I can smell a shitstorm coming"

Democrat: "We just passed socialized health care despite near-unanimous opposition from the Republican Party and the American People. I can smell a shitstorm coming in November."
by TheSovietCollossus March 27, 2010
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Shit: Well, in this case something extremely annoying
Storm: In this case: Something ambushing you

A shitstorm is something that is extremely annoying which is ambushing you...

Also a word used in MLG Stranger Danger
Oh no, kids are chasing me...
by RealBotBot December 26, 2017
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Its like a shitstorm flying different shits at your face like horseshit, bullshit, and holy shit
Friend 1: holy shit! a shitstorm!

Freind 2: theres every kind of shit on me!
by jaeweezy12 July 20, 2014
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When a bunch of horrible things happen to you in one day.
Man: Hey! how was your day?
Other Man: Horrible, it was a Shitstorm.
by SupremeSqueaker April 10, 2017
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