A band that took elementary school stories of pirates and detectives and tried to make them into songs that are "hardcore". A band whose lead singer dances around in his little sister's pants on stage like he's either having a seizure, or giving birth to a baby as ugly as he is. We could sum up Senses Fail as a gay band trying to show they're scene kid fans that their original by writing gay songs about things our kindergarden teachers used to read to us during naptime.
My five year old sister used to like Senses Fail, but one day they beat her up and stole her pants.
by james14 December 4, 2005
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The only band I've ever listened to who have successfully made a depressing song about pirates. Dude, thats just wrong...
Example of Senses Fail's depressing pirate lyrics:

This captain goes down with his ship,
All hands on deck, stand hip to hip.
I shout the orders, shoot to kill.
<inaudable whiny screams meant to sound "hardcore">
by good-music-liker October 11, 2005
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a crappy band that sings like a fart is trying to be let loose, but good guitar and scraming, and terrible horrible crappy lyrics
wow, i just saw senses fail in concert, i guess i'd rather be cutting my legs off
by nargletone October 16, 2005
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An incredible band that people tend to insult or overlook due to the emo genre of their music. Sure, the lyrics are depressing and Buddy Nielson's vocals do tend to whine, but that doesn't make this band any less amazing. Their songs are filled with spiraling dual guitar riffs backed by solid bass lines and powerful drum beats that don't go unnoticed. Whether Buddy is singing a beautiful ballad, screaming his lungs out or just whining like a bitch, the end result is always terrific. With each new album, the band seems to progress in many ways. With Still Searching, the band ended their psychotic murderous phase, and with Life is not a Waiting Room they added a few sprinkles of optimism and offered some insightful words of wisdom, such as "the past can't be your passion." Who knows, maybe a happy album is in the works?
Senses Fail > You
by MrFlopz August 1, 2009
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A fucking awesome band that so far, and so very good, haven't blown up into big headed bimbos. Looks like we could go for a long run with these guys!! Gotta love em!!
by Alex Rat March 28, 2005
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One of the best screamo bands out there. Senses Fail consists of 5 guys from Ridgewood, New Jersey. Buddy Nielsen, Dave Miller, Garrett Zablocki, Dan Trapp, & Mike Glita. Both of their cds are awesome. If you haven't seen them, you should get the chance to meet them. All of them are super nice.
Senses Fail is the best
by M.T August 7, 2005
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