A person with low self esteem who must put down others in order to make him or herself feel superior.
That fag was straight trynta be all seeking and shit, so i knocked his dread headed ass out.
by Twelveking March 14, 2003
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A Fagget that Plays cs.
Seek likes men and plays cs
by LoKi August 7, 2004
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He's so good at hide and seek, the US military couldn't even find him after 7 years.
by derpderp1222 April 19, 2010
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You get a group of friends to come around to your house, you then choose the seeker, who will count to 50 while the rest of the group of friends find hiding places within the house.
After the seeker has done counting he/she has to shout "ready or not here I come" once these words are spoken the hiders commence wanking. The seeker then searchs for said wankers, and has to find them before they ejaculate
Phil: "where is simon?"

Simons mum: "sorry were abit busy playing wank and seek, I think he is hiding in the closet as it smells of sex wee in there!"
by phild12345 October 16, 2009
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1. sumthing you want to do when your really pissed off at sumone
2. an awesome metallica song off their first album, kill 'em all
1. larry pissed me off, its time to seek and destroy.
2. listen to seek and destroy by metallica, great f**kin song
by rob August 25, 2004
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The game where 2 or more people play and one person countsdown and the others hide while the person tries to find them its also the game that me and my dad played before I never saw him again
Micheal: Yo where is your dad? I've never seen him here

Me: We are playing hide and seek hes in a good hiding spot

Michael: Weren't you playing hide and seek yesterday?

Me: Yea weve been playing for 13 years he's a really good hider
by Avatar Relief July 13, 2020
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