A school where girls get body shamed and boys are fuck boys, There is no respect in that school whatsoever, Oh and also white girls act black. Everyone who goes there swears there in a gang
“Did you hear about the fight after school at Muhlenberg School District”
by TexasCats August 21, 2019
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A low profited school, full of weed smoking hicks, that spends all their money on sports teams who can't play.
Brandon - Whats the score for the Yough School District football game last night?

Eddie - The game or the massacre?

Brandon - What?

Eddie - 3-63
by Emmlayy2010 February 10, 2010
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Concord School District, the extremely corrupt school district, that allows pedo’s as teachers, vice principals with no credentials, super intendants that know about this shit and lunch lady’s that hold parties for underage kids and provide drugs and alcohol! We suck, honestly someone do something about it
Concord school district sucks ass
by csdsuxksass October 9, 2019
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A pulsating tumor on the way of living in Southern Maine, Marshwood School District consists of three towns; Rollinsford NH, (Rich Dickheads) Eliot, ME (A group of hillbilly farmers) and South Berwick. (A festering pit of lawyers and whores)
Person 1: Boy, I sure love learning at Marshwood School District.

Person 2: You coming to that Juul party this weekend?

Person 1: You bet!
by Ponyboy667 September 9, 2018
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A school district in the heart of the worst place on earth yes I'm talking about central New York not Anywhere near New York City but some think their hood others think their country on that note no one knows what they are and the school itself was fine but now people are making it look like a third world country. "Hey Where do you go to school oh VVS Well I feel sorry for ya."
People make VVS School District look like trash.
by THESAVIOR47 January 25, 2016
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Jessieville School District is a very small and cute school in the town of Jessieville, Arkansas. The entire district can fit in their tornado shelter, which doubles as the space for events such as proms and other formal dances, to which the girls can often be seen wearing cowboy boots under the multiple layers of tulle. Their athletics are good for the school's size, but often the athletes get away with anything, something that should be amended before the commoners revolt, tearing the mullet patriarchy to its knees.

Jessieville School is a close knit community. Everyone will know if you need something- say, if there's been a bad thing happened to your family and you need some extra support- but then again, everyone knows everything.

In addition to this, Jessieville School District has some of the kindest teachers you will meet.

Though Jessieville School District is sometimes passed over and relentlessly bullied by the general public as well as the students who attend, there is something charming about knowing that there are people who care about you and your education. You can spot a Jessievilly by their blue shirts and the way they look with disdain and things that are purple and/or gold.

Go Lions!
Oh, him? He goes to Jessieville School District! No wonder he crinkled his nose when he heard this was a no-truck parking zone.

Jessieville School District is getting some renovations. It's about time they fixed those stairs!

I'm so glad we go to school at Jessieville School District. Isn't it nice that we can see our elementary school teachers even as seniors in high school? I sure love the feeling of knowing we're home.

I sure do miss Sugar! She was such a sweet dog, such a golden addition to the Jessieville School District campus.

Have you ever driven past the Jessieville School District? It's the cute one across from that place we always get catfish. What's it called? The Hut? The Cabin? Oh wait, I think it was The Shack!
by that's_my_sweater13 November 25, 2021
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