A sammich (sandwich), but only sammicher.
Person 1: You know, if you added bacon into that ham sammich, it would be... *dramatic pause* SAMMICHER.

Person 2: OMG
by Obv troll is obvious October 2, 2020
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The term sammich describes any sandwich that is out of the ordinary. A sammich can be an exceptionally delicious sandwich, made with great care and planning. On the other hand, a sammich can also be an extremely ghetto sandwich, made by a desperate, hungry soul.
A sandwich that takes 10 minutes to prepare or contains three or more layers is usually considered a sammich. The microwaved butter sandwich, lettuce sandwich, or grilled cheese sandwich made with an iron are all considered sammiches.
by JBalls May 17, 2006
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1. An extremely good sandwich.
2. What mad peeps say because we're using urban dictionary lingo instead of real words.
3. What GIR tells the floor to make him.
by Smashrgrl December 11, 2003
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A sammich is NOT a sandwich.
It is pure delight spread between two pieces of bread.
Sammiches should make the person eating them very happy.
Sammiches are not sold anywhere,
they must be made by a person specificly for whoever is consuming them.
The bread should look very cartoonish.
Peter:"aww man, im all sad today."
kaite:"ohhh. I'll make u a sammich."
by dinosaursgorawr March 12, 2008
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A delicious sandwhich of any sort, which Hillary Clinton should make for us all, made to order, when she loses the 2008 election.
Hey Hillary! Stop running for President and go make me a sammich!
by fighting08gobbler February 5, 2008
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You haven't done anything productive lately, so here's a sammich!
by jermybanana November 11, 2009
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