Located in Montgomery County, Maryland. Known for it's ghettoness, true to their home students, and drag racing on Norbeck Rd (RT 28). Ten minute drive from UMD and a Starbucks in every shopping center, plus girls who know how to work it.
Guy #1: Let's go pick up girls at the Starbucks in Rockville
Guy #2: Hell yea, those girls really know how to work it!
by Jessie November 23, 2003
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Diverse city features an astonishing lack of quality females, who seem to be in denial about their own lack of quality.
Guy says to Friend: Man there's no quality girls in Rockville.

Nosy girl overhears and replies: Uhh, there's like 3 hot guys here and SOO many hot girls. You guys are idiots.

In unison, guys stare at girl. Slowly, she realizes her astonishing lack of quality. Begins to cry.

Guys chuckle and high-five.
by Jarvis McCallister May 30, 2005
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Small, quiet town in the rural Midwest. Lobster Capital of Nebraska. Those who left wish they were still there. Those still there wish they could leave.
I'm from Rockville, it's not on the map.
by addicted2starbucks August 14, 2009
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Best Place to live, run by the cool kids from Good Counsel, and home of the best girls in the world.
Anywhere you go, you will find a Good Counsel student, or alum, and they are amazing.
by LPRANGS October 20, 2004
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has a pretty tight high school, which is rockville high who has an awesome lax team who always packs there bags and bring it.
rockville lacrosse players-
Joey:pack ur bags
Danny:cuz were gona bring it
by MikejonesWHo October 12, 2005
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A place where senior privledges mean nothing, and hall passes become the gold standard of freedom. Also known as cruel. Rockville is known by nearby rich white towns as the ghetto school, because students get bussed in from neighboring cities for the agricultural program. The mascot is a Ram, which is periodically killed by the town rival, South Windsor Highschool.
by Danielle Kingsbury February 27, 2008
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The Crack infested Alchoholic side of Vernon where whatever drug you want you can get. The best place in the world to party. A place where drunk punks once ruled the world.

Henry park
Spring Street
High Street
Cottage Street
The Foundation

The quarry

Reilly: Where we goin to get drunk tonite
Travis: Lets go to my house and get trashed on the roof.
Matt: I love rockville ct
by TCBC r.i.p October 17, 2009
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