This is a descriptive term that people apply to whatever object they are trying to get rid of on Ebay that isn't selling.
Cheapskate #1- Jesus, I can't get anybody to buy this awful plaid pair of pants from K-mart. What am I gonna do?

Cheapskate #2- What, are you stupid? Just re-list it and call it Rockabilly K-mart plaid pants!!

Chaepskate # 1- Dude, you are awesome!
by SimpleSpyman August 31, 2009
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A style of music and more that originated in the 195o's and has kept going until now. Every time you see a girl with staight cut bangs and the back of her pin straight hair to her shoulders, you have found a women who thinks she is an individual by coping something that happend half a century ago.
Ted: Hey see that white chick with the black hair?
David: The one with the straight cut bangs?
Ted: Yeah that one.
David: Wow...what a poser.

Ted: silly rockabilly girl.
David: tisk tisk
by erin lockly March 14, 2010
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a measure of weight derived from the average weight of a rockabilly girl. equivalent to 250lbs. Abreviated rbg
My pig weighs one rockabilly girl.(1rbg)

Q:How much do you think that '50 Ford weighs?
A:About 10 rockabilly girls.(10rbgs)

by plasmatic666 September 17, 2007
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A serious disease which is becoming prevalent within the Rockabilly community.
Diagonosis is simple because the pubic hair actually reshapes itself into a 'Pubic Quiff'

Symtoms include.
A strange and itchy rash which causes the victim to gyrate in comical ways.
Thinning head hair (on which the sufferer begins to use excessisve amounts of brylcream in a misguided attempt to maintain an appearance of) (something, no one actually knows).
Expanding side burns.
And overall Fat Boy weight gain.
Also turned up jeans.
Went to a Rockabilly night and whilst gyrating on the dance floor develped a serious itch and a sudden change of VPL (Visible Panty Line)

Upon going to the gents was horrified to find he had contracted a severe case of Rockabilly Herpes and that his pubic hair had reformed it self into a quiff so perfect that he knew that the limp one which he carried on his head would never be able to compete.
by MickyBalls April 19, 2010
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Contrary to that other Joe's opinion, a rockabilly girl embraces the alternative fashion from post 1940-1965. She comes in all shapes, ages and clothing sizes from petite to curvy. 14 years-40. typically wears her hair like Betty Paige or any Old Hollywood Era starlet and dresses in anything from Rosie the Riviter, to Marianne from Gilligan's Island to Joan Harris of the first few seasons of Mad Men.
I am a young adult rockabilly girl, I tend to dress like Rosie the Riviter and marianne on a daily basis because it suits me. sometimes I even dress like a movie siren if I go somewhere fancy.
by Thegingersnap18 March 16, 2015
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Any country song or group that writes or performs music that sounds more like rock and roll. i.e. Smash Mouth, Rascal Flatts, or Taylor Swift.
by thatcoolguyinidaho August 21, 2019
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