One who is deathly afraid of ghosts but rocks at Donkey Kong.
#1: When I went to Florida, I met a total riggs at the barcade.

#2: If it weren't for the fact that my grandpa died in this house, that riggs would come in and completely pwn my ass at Donkey Kong.
by SpencerWheatley July 4, 2010
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Someone who emotionally "sleeps around" but doesn't actually sleep around. And flirts with every living thing infront of them.
-That girl flirts with every guy in front of her!
-Oh she is totally a Riggs
by Lord Carles the Seventh April 30, 2013
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A very awkard man who is usually morbidly obese. Aroused by McDonalds food and things of that nature. Makes any situation awkward. Loves WWE Wrestling and KFC chicken. Walks with a slight limp because to lazy to go to rehab after knee suregery when 4. Loves terrible music and ugly women. Says the expression "git-r-done" frequently.
Look at the Riggs, what a Loser.
by djpolstarrr April 9, 2006
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Riggs - verb.

To bum something, specifically cigarettes, beer, or other sundries at a very alarming rate.
I'm nearly out of beer, and completely out of smokes, I've been getting Riggsed all damn night.
by Doktor Strangerlove June 28, 2011
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"Of two men who love each other, you are the one who is the woman."
Dude, curt just spent $75 on jean....he's such a Riggs.
by ThePit September 1, 2008
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Attention whore; One who cannot cease talking about themselves or their automobile.

Alternate usage; To describe the installation of Nitrous Oxide or NOS on one's automobile.

A Riggs'd out person may find themselves in the company of Capital One checks, mad cash flow, and clients in the passenger seat crying for mercy to make the whoring stop.
Dude, it was so easy to Riggs my car on that site. I got so much attention, I got laid for six days straight.

I Riggs'd my car up man! I'm gonna go smoke some Civics down at McDonalds tonight.
by BenSSSSS June 30, 2006
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