Founded by a USA news media/site in the Philippine's which is ILLEGAL in the Philippine law.

Due to thier unverified,fakenews reporting they been sued by a private businessman that harmed his life and his company due to rappler and a couple of Libel case which ironically they ended up awarded by US a media that "fights for freedom of speech"

which angered the filipinos citizens due to rapplers fake information and abuse "freedom of speech" to harm,spread lies,propaganda,promote harmful western idealogies,character assasinate,demonize and insult individuals that they disagree in (Opinoins and Politically)

Due to this event's Rappler been dubbed as the Queen of Fakenews in the philippines.
Mary: I keep seeing rappler playing the victim card so that they can continue thier abuse.
James: and they try to get interviews in western news so they can spread thier lies.

Mary: Agree.. Rappler cant Manipulate the the filipinos so they use such tactics overseas instead. ARGH SUCH EVIL!
by Truth_will_always_prevail July 28, 2022
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Oh I thought the news posted is true. It was a fake news.Na Rappler pala ako.
by GeorgeOnline March 28, 2020
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