In high school, generally male freshmen are queerbait.

Also known as a man who attracts gay men or a man who claims to be straight but acts gay.
1. Ruthless Senior- Hey queerbait, pick up my book for me.

2. Person one- Dude, Ryan just said that guy over there was hot!
Person two- Oh my God! I knew it! He's such a queerbait.
by SkyPullera June 2, 2004
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The worst kind of sin. Loved by most tv shows writers and directors. Really just a way to have lots of fans, that they don't care about.
-I'm tired of all this queerbaiting!

+Me too! Dean and Cas deserved better gosh.
by Ace_Vamp April 29, 2021
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A friend which says a homoerotic/questionable statement durring an extremely striaght activity.
While watching football:
Dan: That guy has really blue eyes.
Ryan: Dude! You're such a queerbait!
by Ryan Ford October 17, 2005
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1. a naive guy who is sexually attractive to gay men. Can be either masculine or feminine in atttitude or looks.

2. a straight friend of a gay guy who does not know that the gay guy finds him appealing.
Mark is pure queerbait. He hangs out with a gay dude and is clueless.
by ragwillie August 20, 2009
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A male that is unaware of his good looks, which is cute enough to attract both girls and homosexuals. Actually it's a compliment to one's looks, not an insult to their sexual preference.
"Yeah, Mr. queerbait over there is unaware of what he's doing to my partner, and it's pissing me off".
by oxygen1 November 2, 2011
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a person who says hes not gay, but acts like it big time, and naturally attracts the same sex
mike southwood is the favorite queer bait of the gays.
by mike southwood January 26, 2004
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Someone who claims they are not gay but constantly obsesses over homosexuality.
If that queerbait would just come out of the closet he might be a little less annoying.
by JoJo October 29, 2003
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