Getting called out for saying or posting sexist, disrespectful things. Blocking the people that called you out and making them out to be the villains.
He is pulling a Trump and banning everyone on social media after being called out for being a sexist pig.
by Tim Trump September 12, 2019
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do dodge a simple yes/no question by overwhelming the opponent with meaningless demagoguery. I'm copyrighting this phrase.
"To pull a Trump": Dude, you just pulled a Trump
by muzzzzzy March 19, 2016
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To blatantly keep asserting a lie, despite the overwhelming and obvious facts to the contrary.
Real Estate Salesman tried to pull a Trump, as he stood next to me on the empty lot, he kept insisting that the building located on the lot was currently renting for 100k a month.
by Gottaloveit2 July 25, 2017
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When you 'grab them by the pussy'. If she is aware enough, she will decide if its ok, and if not she will immediately recognize this as sexual assault, and you will be charged accordingly. This should prevent you from becoming President of the United States, but not in all cases.
OK: I saw my wifey in the washroom and pulled a Trump. She was a'ight with dat.
Not OK: I'm successful. I saw some fine ass who was 'hanging out with me', so I 'pulled a Trump' man!
by Blunt Monk January 9, 2017
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When your Temperament Gets the Better of You: quality that keeps peoples internal thought from saying/doing things others see as being a total jerk, you just say it anyway.
I can't believe I expected strangers to understand my satire, I just blurted out an offensive comment, I guess I Pulled a Trump.
by BadlandZ February 6, 2016
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Where one looks to lie and cheat their way to a result if the outcome of a democratic vote does go in their favour.
Oh man, he's pulling a trump taking that one to courts!
by Kevin the doog November 5, 2020
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When you say something of ignorance with such confidence. Only to find out afterwarss how dumb you look because you didnt know what you were talking about. Its like pulling a homer but on a Presidential Level of Stupidity
The only way to kill a virus is if its bacterial.

Stacy, bacteria are not virus and vice versa. You just pulled a Trump
by Nemesis2020 April 24, 2020
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