The act of ejaculating into a vagina during sex.
Man I had sex last night and I didn't pull out.

That's #primal man.
by Doesntexsist December 1, 2016
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1. Something proper real.

2. A bit harsh, really isn't it.
1. keeping it primal up in here, yo., thats some primal sheeit.
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When something is just so good, that its the best.
"that chocolate milk was so primal i could drink 5 gallons of it"
"holy titty that was primal"
by holy-tatty May 25, 2018
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A dope band that is underated as fuck
Guy 1: ever heard of Primal Static
Guy 2: No

Guy 1: Dude you should check em out their music is like really good
by Smiling_Toad March 30, 2020
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The act of suddenly grabbing a boob or booty without thinking. Automatic response to Female or Male so sexy you just gotta Primal grab. It does not involve any thought, but simply is an involuntary action.
Elizabeth's breast was so fine that Jason with out thinking did a primal grab.
by I am Muffins January 22, 2017
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