Pozz is a state which is comparable to relaxed, when you are chill and you're just enjoying the good time you are having, without stress.
-Yo I bought a new boat and cruised on it for the whole afternoon.
-Pozz, I see you had a great time.
Yo I'm going on a hike with my girlfriend it's gonna be so pozz
by Louisleneg August 10, 2016
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:squiz: pozzed me because we are gay lovers.
by TOJbrarian July 28, 2011
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Another form of "being owned" when you are pozzed you got very badly and perhaps on purpose
Vlad was out looking to get pozzed at the gay bar and woke up missing a kidney
by bluxed September 28, 2006
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1. When a man is fucking a girl from behind, he will pull out and insert strawberries into her ass through a funnel and then proceed to fuck the funnel.
aka. strawberry shortfuck

2. When a black male is lifting weights a girl will come over and lick his ear. Distracted, drops the heavy weight on her, then fucks her while she is trapped beneath the heavy weight.
aka. rape
1."Yo can I have some strawberies on my waffles?"
"Sorry, i used them last night when I gave Sally the dirty Pozze."
"Youre a fuckin legend"

2. "Yo man how was your workout yesterday?"
"It was good, but some bitch licked my ear so I gave her the Dirty Pozze."
"Youre a fucking legend"
by Michele Druzina February 17, 2009
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A term used in the LGBT+ hook-up community to describe somebody who is HIV positive or positive and undetectable.
Me: "Hey, you clean?"
Pozz: "I'm pozz."
Me: "That's alright, I'm on PrEP."
by reptilelegitfan November 24, 2022
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