To realise that you have had a subconscious, random, vocal outburst which is both out of context and completely irrelevant. Usually brought on by the excessive use of drugs and tiredness.
Person B: " Is everyone ok here in the front room?"

Person A: "I can’t believe this part of the M23 is so busy"

Person B: What?

Person A: What?

Person B: "You’re not on the M25, you’re in my living room"

Person A: “I think I just Popped out"
by Grantus Maximus September 20, 2009
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the image of a male or female with eyeballs protruding out of the socket above what's deemed as socially appealing.


The term most often hollered by attractive people when encountering a stranger with eyes protruding from the sockets.
she's ok face on, but when she turns to her profile, her eyes are pretty popped out. FML.

Damn! Someone should get him an ice pack or some sleep! He is popped out!

He's gotta reduce his sodium intake cuz he is popped out!

Attractive person: *see's a person with protruding eye balls* "POPPED OUT!!"
by bun may August 26, 2010
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"She was in that room for hours, then the kid just popped out!"
by qwiktyme February 2, 2008
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Giving birth, reproducing, rolling a baby off the conveyor belt.
Not long after having her fourth kid, she was on her way to popping out another one.
by flamingpanties May 6, 2011
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Word used by gay ballerinas, who think they're qualified even though they're not in the books. Means suck a lot of long cock.
by Honorable falconer August 24, 2019
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A pop out is when a guy has an erection that sticks out farther than Pinocchio's nose.
"Whoa! look at that guy's pop out!"
"Daaang! If he has a boner that big I would so screw him"
by Chick2013 September 21, 2008
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The phrase "AND THEN A SKELETON POPPED OUT" is often used to point out that the ending of a creepypasta is predictable or just downright shitty.

Basically, to use it, suddenly end your story with ", and then a skeleton popped out." Instant horror story.
I went to walk my dog, and I couldn't get the front door to open AND THEN A SKELETON POPPED OUT!
by Pinkamina Diane Pie July 27, 2011