A "Super Poota Bitch" is someone who abuses obese people who have little to no intellect and are out of touch with reality over MSN.
brad: you are obese and will die soon.
matt: you really are a super poota bitch

by pootamaster March 18, 2008
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to ponder, or think of a situation; meant to be said rapidly
person1:hey what does that look like to you?
Person2: hmmmm Scoota Poota Pita!!!
by ujohn1, mhaynes8 April 7, 2011
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1. Someone who likes to just let some serious air go.
2. A name when you give your friend when he/she farts continuously
1. Wow that girl over there is such a poota toot
2. I always call my friend a poota toot.
by ItsJustMeSally December 11, 2017
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