Someone (usually a guy) who gives a gurl access to a group of his male friends.
Caroll can’t block out all contact with Jim because he’s her pimp daddy, doing so would resign her to looking for dates on dating apps.
by Subtleflexboy8 September 16, 2020
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A Nigger, thats a gangster with alot of bitches, he gets his drugs from tons of other niggers, all other niggers won't to be like him. He gets all his money from his hos and gives the money to other niggers for drugs. Also he has a pimp-mo-bill. 100% True.
Bitch wheres my money, so I can go get in my pimp-mo-bill and go gets some drugs from my niggers. Hurry up bitch my hos are waiting. Pimp Daddy out. Bitch Please. Get that money.
by Big Platuim Balls November 27, 2009
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1.Someone who is both a pimp, and a Daddy.

2.Someone who is the father of a pimp.
1. Geoff is setting a bad example for his children, he is selling prostitutes and has a grow-op in his own house.

2.Mark is very dissapointed in his son, he wanted him to become a lawyer, but instead he became a pimp.
by Kevin B. June 19, 2005
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Commonly substituted for neat guy.
What's up pimp daddy?
I am the pimp daddy.
by Anonymous February 4, 2003
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to be fucking owning the place and its people
ronnie: (drunk as shit) "I'm the pimp daddy mac of this whole place"
by guidom_11 September 24, 2011
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Devin, hes got a ton of hoes from a ton of places. He is a pimp daddy
by Whitest March 12, 2017
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