Being Like-penis-vagina-sexual is being a male who attracted to females, but enjoys having sexual intercourse with males. You aren't attracted to males, you just really enjoy getting railed by men or railing men yourself. This can also apply to females who are attracted to males, but enjoy having sexual intercourse with females. once again the females aren't attracted to the other females they just really enjoy have sex with them.
-Lets say you're a guy who really likes sex because its very awesome, you have a lot of sex with women. One day you get fucked by a guy and you really enjoy it. Your keep having sex with men, but you still are only are able to have attraction to females and get feelings for females. Now dont get me wrong you still enjoy vagina, but just dick more.

-Another example is you're a females who has been in a loving relationship with your Boyfriend for 6 years and you're convinced he's your soulmate. One day you and your friend are hanging out an end up having sexual intercourse. Right then you realize that you enjoy having sex with females more than males. You're still in-love with your boyfriend and like having sex with him, but you get off better with females.
by Mjaoxsmialxymna January 23, 2021
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by p3nIs balls May 16, 2021
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