A kickass game that was released in 2016
PERSON1:Hi guys wanna play a game?

by dogelife July 9, 2016
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A better game than Fortnite. It has a better reward system and does not require you to pay to get cool skins. Fortnite does require you to pay to get cool things and it's really annoying. Overwatch is an amazing game and once you play it will will delete Fortnite at once.
Friend: Hey you want to play Overwatch!
Other Friend: Oh yeah! Hold on let me delete Fortnite!
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A type of sacrifice made by the god chin chin and crested by lord Pepe
Overwatch is used well..... as a sacrifice to the gods
by supaboi February 20, 2017
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elite soldiers trained for controlling and support of an administration or occupation
The American and British overwatch currently is in Iraq trying to keep the peace.

by Darth_Ganon October 17, 2006
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The only game in the world with more hours of porn watched than hours played in game.
Guy 1: He's playing Overwatch again
Guy 2: You sure it's not porn?
Guy: No idea
by Golliath33 March 6, 2023
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An immensely popular FPS game, reaching over 20 million players in just a few months.
Hey, want to play some Overwatch? Sure! Comp?
by NeoTempest December 9, 2016
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Overwatch is a less violent FPS game,made up of three classes of players; Tanks, which are very strong and beefy characters with a lot of health. Then there is the Damage class, which are designed to do nothing but kill enemies. Then there is the Support class, and characters in this categories are usually weak, but rely on them healing team mates to stay alive and/or get kills. All the heroes (playable characters) are: Ana, Ashe, Baptiste, Bastion who is criticized as being overpowered, Brigitte, D.Va, Doomfist, Echo, Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, Lucio, McCree, Mei, Mercy, Moira, Orisa, Phara, Reaper, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Sigma, Soldier 76, Sombra, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Tracer who is the main character of the game, Widowmaker, Winston, Wrecking Ball, Zarya, and lastly, Zenyatta.
Hey, do you wanna play Overwatch today?

Overwatch is my favorite game!

You should get Overwatch.
by MR T21B SNIPER May 21, 2020
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