An intelligent, hardworking, driven, and well rounded young man usually in college or a college graduate. This term is reserved for only the best and brightest young men.
Dad: I can't believe that our Jimmy graduated from college.

Mom: Yes, I am so proud of our little nukka.

Dad: I agree; he is great.
by flippapotomus April 9, 2010
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A fun playful alternative to nigga or nigger, which are more offensive. However, hardcore blacks may still take offense to this and then try to do that acting tough thing they do.
Me: "Hey what's up nukka"
Black: "The fuck you say bitch? Imma beat your craka ass in foo!"
Me: "Ugh, nukka please"
by The Jailbird November 4, 2008
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Just another way to say Nigger without getting caught or being accused of being racist...
Damn Nukka, you need to get new shoes
Marcus is a crazy half Nukka
by Goosebumpinyourmama October 30, 2003
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used by illiterate white trash honkies that pretend they live in the hood when they actually live in suburban middle american. such language is ridiculous and just proves how retarded a person is
Albin: I'm a wannabe gangsta white boy that thinks by using the word "nukka" automatically makes me a badass ghetto banger. Rice out
by Slabbius May 5, 2006
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A word white kids think they can use instead of the word nigga but really can't. Black kids WILL catch feelings and beat you down.
white kid: whats good nukka.

Black kid: what did you say?

white kid: I thought it was cool.

Black kid: naw it ain't and you bout to get it
by fresh prince figga May 21, 2008
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A term for idiot white boys so they can pretend they are black while still remaining in denial..
"yo I'm a jackass for saying nukka!"

"Im a stupid white nukka from the suburbs who wears his hat like slim with the tilted brim!"

"Damn nukka, this is the closest I will ever come to having any rhyme or basketball skillz!"
by BlackboyT January 12, 2006
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