every February you must have intercourse with your female counterpart at least once a day for the rest of February.
its fuck female February
by corbitch whoregain December 23, 2019
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It’s pretty self explanatory. You’re not allowed to finger yourself or get fingered for the entire month of February. To make it harder to complete, don’t masturbate or have sex at all. It’s a version of no nut November, but for females. Good luck ladies.
Person one: Are you participating in fuck fingering February?

Person two: hell no! I wouldn’t last a day!
by Let’s jump off a cliff December 1, 2018
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Fuck Fap February means to not fap on your girlfriend, gay friend or random people you see. Similar to NNN (No Nut November) and DDD (Destroy Dick December).
"Dude i survived NNN and DDD"
"Good luck for FFF"
"What is FFF?"
"Fuck Fap February"
"Ratio dislikes>likes"
by Scammkidzz November 20, 2021
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Every February when other men are allowed to fuck men and it not be considered gay
Joe: Hey you wanna have some fun
Bill: Sorry but I’m not gay
Joe: but it’s Fuck faggot February so it’s not concidered gay
by Cumstainlicker March 4, 2019
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Fuck feelings February is a month for everyone to forget their feelings. Do crazy shit but not get their feelings in the way. You can fuck around but no strings attached. Don't get your feelings in the way of you having fun with whoever and whenever.
"So I'm staying away from guys/girls now"

"Ayee why?"

"Cause it's fuck feelings February"
by _ateakin_ November 7, 2019
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The best month of the year. You cannot play fortnite. If u do, U BIG G@Y
1:Yo bro getting dubs today?
2:For fuck sake, it’s Fuck Fortnite February!
by iHateFortnite666 December 6, 2018
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ok so fortnite is gay and not playing it a whole month reduces virginity rate by 300%
A: Yo John Wick nigga wanna play Fortnite?
B: No 🅱️oi, it's Fuck Fortnite February, I gotta get rid of virginity this month 😤
by hell yeah roblox December 1, 2018
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