Nintendo dual-screen. Something I can't wait to get. Nintendo's latest portable system is seperate from the gameboy series.

At a first look, the DS' dual screen just seems like a feature. A good feature is one that has something to do with improving gameplay, which the touch screen does. The psp however, is trying to beat nintendo with better graphics and dvd, making the DS the instant winner. Why? Because the DS is focusing on making fun games and revolutionizing games. The PSP is a mobile phone minus the calling people.

Also, the DS is cheaper then PSP and so are the games. The DS consumes less battery power then the PSP.
The DS is an interesting console with fun games.
by Marbarian June 4, 2005
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A console made by Nintendo hated by Sony fanboys for "making games geared for children" and having "dated hardware" which is utter bullshit. While the PSP (Sony's handheld) has many features that the DS doesn't have (but can be added through accessories), they are all bullshit you don't need. Everyone already owns a MP3 player that actually fits in our pockets, why the fuck would we want a bigger one? The UMD format used for watching movies is dead, so good luck with that. The Nintendo DS has a big library of cool games, where you can kill zombies, solve murder cases, play Sudoku, play great RPG's, and so much more. The graphics are mainly 2D, but the DS can do last wave N64-like 3D too.

The PSP also has good games, even though Nintendo fanboys say otherwise, and if the price wasn't so steep, it would match the DS. The graphics of the PSP are shitty 3D, last wave PS1 to first wave PS2, and has many defects (flying UMD's, disk read errors, short battery life, no refunds for a screen with dead pixels etc etc., but it seems the newer shipments have less of these defects), and is still being raped in sales by the DS Lite.

The PSP is a good purchase if you have the money, because of the many good original games, but if you want to make the most out of your money, the DS Lite is what you want. If you have the money I recommend both.

Me: Shut up idiot, the PSP does have great games on it, too bad there are so many rehashes of old games on it, but the original games rock.

Sony fanboy: Look! I can play MP3's, watch movies, and browse the internet! LOL

Me: I thought you had a MP3 player and computer for that? Dumbass. The UMD format is dead, so say bye to your movies. Good luck finding wireless access points to connect to the internet. Idiot.
by Gaming Veteran December 26, 2006
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A solid game system with great games and little added features that make it a close competitor for PSP. Although some whiny little lifeless PSP fans act like its just an N64 with a touchscreen, it is much better than it gets credit for. As an owner of a PSP and a DS I have to say that I play my DS much more. It's much for social, since it has single card download play and pictochat. The games (well, most of them) are actually fun and not just about blood and gore like so many PSP games. And now, DS can play Movies, mp3s, and all that great stuff, so it's really an equal to PSP, if not better.
Nintendo DS rocks out with its cock out.
by Skankin' Cucumber September 11, 2005
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Nintendo's latest handheld, released in too-soon-after-the-last-one tradition, a practice that Nintendo has become quite fond of. Shortly following the release of the Gameboy Advance SP, which was released just long enough after its original to double Nintendo's profits as gamers try and get the new one of what they already have, it seems as if Nintendo has no patience anymore and is releasing new handhelds like crazy, giving consumers just enough time to buy one console, then coming out with a new, slightly better version every few months.

The DS features two screens, one being a touch screen. This feature seems gimicky at first, but is quite interesting. Nintendo also brags that there is a place for the stylus, however as long as there have been devices with styluses, there have been places for the stylus. Even a spiral notepad has a place for the pen.
The DS is a Gamer's palm pilot, which brings up the fact that yet another version of the console is coming out with Palm software. Whoever is seen with a DS is immediately a pimp and may attract women. However, the fact remains that Nintendo is primarily child oriented in its games, and more grown up gamers may want to move on to the PSP, which, though lacking the sex appeal and touch screen pimpness of the DS, has much better graphics and can play movies. Though Nintendo is trying like hell to create some kind of compressed file format to sneak movies into it, the PSP hit the ground running.
The Nintendo DS is cooler than I thought it would be.
by Jay C March 25, 2005
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One of the most hated on systems of our time. I for one approve of both PSP and DS (why cant every1 else?) They both have nice features as well.
DS- Online gaming, Online Browsing coming soon
PSP- Online browsing
DS- Touch screen
PSP- uh.......
DS- SOme media thingy coming soon
PSP- Stores movies, music, and pics.
DS- $100-$150
PSP- $200 something
See? There are the crappy little differecnes people fight over that pull us apart, but if we see all the similarites.

Oh yeah, I'm a DS owner just cause all my friends have them, plus im a Nintendo-faithul kinda guy.
The Nintendo DS is funner and more cost effective, while the PSP is costlier with better graphics
by Siliva2 August 1, 2006
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To have your Dick Sucked (DS) by someone.
Last night I got my Nintendo DS on.
by Joshsoc9 April 16, 2008
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A code-name for one of Nintendo's next products.

A possible disaster or success. Nobody knows yet. The idiot who posted before this was only making assumptions. Yes, Nintendo has failed, but it's well known that they control the handheld market and they aren't going to give it up easily.
The Nintendo DS will problably be shown at E3 2004 or sometime around then.
by April 16, 2004
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