Full of JAP's, stoners, rich people, AND poor people. What a combination! You are either in a band or rich or a stoner. It consists of an unnecessary amount of resturants and banks.
by Sasquatch March 20, 2005
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A small town in Massachusetts, where not much ever happens, except for the occasional shooting or murder. It's filled with mostly preps, STONERS!, girls who think that Good Charlotte is the most punk RaWk thing ever, jocks, skaters, and your occasional artsy, spooky, or scene kid/s. There are both rich people and poor people. Most of the population is white, not all of it though. It's a closed community, and for the most part pretty unaccepting as well. Commonly known as Weedham, for obvious reasons.
Person 1: So where do you live?
Person 2: Needham.
Person 1: Hahaha, you mean WEEDHAM?!
by Neeeely August 16, 2005
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Suberban Town just outside of Boston. If you go to the high school you are either a jock, a rich jewish girl, a pot head, or a squeeky clean smarty pants. The jewish population all hangs out toghether, along with the Irish Catholics. Also known as the Democrats and Republicans. There are about 20 churches and 2 temples. Everyone in needham has smoked from one time to another, which is why they call it Weedham. Kids here live in their little safe bubble surrounded by their airconditioning and nice cloths. Say one thing politicly incorrect people would think you killed a kitten. West Roxbury is considered a bad place to live to Needhamers . If any Needham Students steped foot in southie they would be a fish out of water.
by Rocketts 2010 August 3, 2010
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a place where houses are worth 5 million dollars, great sports and amazing schools. You are considered poor if you are a girl with out a juicy outfit for every day of the year, or don't have a porsche.

it is also the bank capital of mass, probably cuz everybody is wicked rich.
Needham owns wellesley at everything.

"Go to the bank in ur boxter and get me a couple hundred to go shopping at juicy mommy!"
by yalll November 13, 2007
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A residential town 11 miles southwest of Boston, Needham contains 13 elder facilities, nursing homes, or retirement communities.
Needham is where Wellesley goes to die.
by Rocket99 July 3, 2009
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Needham other known as Weedham, is a town near Boston. People their are pretty boring or mean most of them sit and smoke weed all day and become burn outs fast. There are few cool kids there but the main stereo types are Druggie, Jock, Nerd and Rich...theres like a total of maybe 10 people in Needham who dont fit these stereotypes I am one of them. In Needham you're not cool if you dont smoke weed. Honestly Needham is one of those towns...you really dont want to be cool in because stoners are well...to be honest not fun anymore. And all of the stoners of 2011 are posers. Needham used to be cool untill the class of 2011 runed it for the most part.
Needham oh I've been there lots of bands, restraunts and ignorant teans who smoke pot all day.
by seed of something July 27, 2009
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1. A crappy town which, if the people were to be judged solely by the stores within, would be filled with fat, vain, extremely rich people. Hey, maybe sometimes you can judge a book by it's cover.
2. The armpit of New England
3. Commonly known as Weedham...for obvious reasons.
4. Home to the oldest rivalry in US history, having been rivals with neighbor Wellesly since its succession from Needham in the early 1700's.
Hey kid, where you from?


Oh crap, sorry about that. Here, gimme all your money, FATTY. NO WONDER YOU SUCK AT SPORTS!
by Sassy le Quatch May 25, 2006
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