An error-infested shithole of a website.
Sorry! an unexpected error has occurred.

This error has been forwarded to MySpace's technical group.
by Arai July 15, 2005
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An addicting imaginary world online full of people who you don't or barely even know. A place full of 19 year old boys who don't own shirts and 19 year old girls who don't own pants. The most popular people in this world are partial pornstars. There is no need to worry about being fat or ugly, because in this world, there is only the angles you want, to make you look like the most goregous skinny person on Earth. In this world, girls are all models, posing every few seconds. Aside from the 12 pictures of someone, you can find out if its true love based on their favorite clothing label, their favorite band, and a survey. All females are bi and all males drive import muscle cars. True expression of self comes from the colors or the pictures you decided to put as a background on your page. Your drivers license photo can have hearts around it and quotes as well. The phrases "Yo", "your hawt", or "hit me back some time" are acceptable when trying to attract the opposite sex. It is perfectly acceptable to blurt out any random, filthy, perverse, sexual thought at any random woman/man you think is "hawt" as a first greeting. A place where everyone can make $100,000 or more a year. A society of very youthful looking 99 year olds. Every random thought you ever have can be jotted down in the convienient blog of your space. Here, it isn't odd to have Brad Pitt in your circle of friends. A man named Tom is your God, he follows you everywhere, sees what you are doing at all times and constanly hands you bad news. This is the only place on earth where Hello Kitty is an actual person. Conversations don't get much more complicated than: "How are you?" Sent. "Good, how are you?" Replied. Everyone, even clothing lines can be your friend! The biggest fears include "Friend Whoring" and Tom forcing your account to "Undergo some matience". Bands ask you to listen to them because they say they see you like a band that they sound nothing like. A place that the biggest threat anyone could ever give you is "I WILL DELETE YOU AS MY FRIEND IF YOU DONT COMMENT MY PICS!". You must pass on all random letters you recieve or else in 15 hours and 3 minutes a ghost will fly into your house and rape your dog...even if you dont have one.
by AppleStoreFreak March 10, 2006
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website that encourages the scene, the emo and even the ghettto to photo graph themselves in thier bathrooms and proceed to spend hours upon hours whoring themselves out.
it has become an epidemic
be cautined: it is addictive
myspace, a place for friend

(pshhht. i encourage you hack into the site and change it to myspace, a place for scene whores)
by Noma March 7, 2005
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Guy1: "Hey, um, aren't you on myspace?"
Girl2: "Yeah...fucking stalker..."
by L0ve_Kills March 30, 2005
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Absolutely pointless "networking tool" that high school students overuse in an attempt to gain and then flaunt popularity. A potentially useful dating/networking tool for adults gone awry because it became a contest to see who could get the most "friends" added... (and by friends I mean other insecure teenagers adding you back in order to increase THEIR OWN friends count). An addiction where you must sign on every .3232134 seconds to see if anyone posted a comment, sent you a message, or put up a bulletin (to tell them to check out their new "hawt sexy pics!" a horrible pixelated shot of an underdeveloped highschool freshman in their underwear trying their best to make a seductive face)
Add me on myspace so my popularity can soar!
by Allie March 25, 2005
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Something Gen Z and beyond will never understand.
Myspace was better than Facebook.
by bgfbhfhfgghnfhfhffh February 14, 2022
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it's 3:45 AM, your eyes are sore form looking at the computer screen for 4, no wait 5 hours...uhh who cares because all you care about not is myspace. You log into your Myspace everday, you've even missed the funeral of your mother to read that message from that attractive scene girl from Peluca, Idaho. Speaking of scene kids. Out of the 4,543 friends you have you only know about 70 personally, but for some unholy reason you know every single scene kid on your myspace, though the SONS O' Bitches all look alike. Your life is in shambles due to your Myspace addiction. You go to work tired, thus becoming cranky. In meetings all you can think about is what bulletins people have posted or what cool neat comments you have.

For all those reason you lose your job. Why? Because when you were at your nice doctors job at the Children's Hospital instead of writing needs Chemo-Therapy ASAP, you wrote, "PLZ comment on my pics!@@!"
At this point you're at home it's been three months since you lost your job, now you live with you mother all your real friends have left you, because now you have alienated them for your MYspace friends. Just another statistic.
Please if you don't get help at CHARTER, Please get help somewhere.
crackpipe is to Crack as Keyboard is to Myspace
by Christopher Ess October 2, 2005
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