A sexy, down to earth chick. Probably has big boobs and a fat ass. Gorgeous as fuck.
Omg did you see that chick Mykie? She's a 10.
by Astroboy271 February 13, 2018
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a sweet caring person thats extremely subby and wont admit it. also simps for Billie Joes coochie square.
guy 1 "hey bro that guys so sweet" guy 2 "yeah theyre a mykie"
by killercaz July 15, 2020
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Myki is a funny person, A person you can vibe with, athletic and smart
by Gd asdg October 27, 2019
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A funny, smart, person you can vibe with, dresses good and athletic.
by Gd asdg October 27, 2019
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1. a slut whos dated 176,963,864,772,124,990 people
2. talks about people behind their backs never in front of them

Mykie: "Oh my god Tricia, Tamara is sooo ugly and rude i don't like her"
Tamara: "Hi Mykie"
Mykie: "Oh hey! Love your makeup!"
by amoonies December 1, 2019
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Doing a poo.

Origin: mix of Australian and Nordic.
“Have you seen Gabs

“Yeah he’s just topping up the myki, so I wouldn’t be going in there for a while”
by JaxCrackers May 14, 2018
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The ultimate insult to completely and utterly destroy someone in any argument.
Guy 1-"Imma beat you up"
Guy 2- "You look like a myki top-up machine"
Guy 1- *Commits suicide*
by mr myki August 13, 2018
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