A really weird person who probably listens to katy perry and dances in the shower while eating a piece of cake.
Damn that bitch is weird her name must be mercy
by Danny DeVito's Eyelash November 5, 2022
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Badass hot motherfucker

She doesn't give a shit about anyone
Out comes mercy, from inside
by Mercy810 December 8, 2014
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What you beg for after having a hot 7 minutes in heaven.
Oh Josh give me mercie ,oh please.
by Jacie Janes October 9, 2019
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Some-one afraid to love for fear of being hurt. Strong, proud, sassy and beautiful. Great in bed. Once you've found one, never let them go.
Tom: That girl's such a mercie...
Brad: Yeah, but at least she ain't timid.
by Lil_Hero July 23, 2008
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the one thing Chuck Norris does not know the meaning of.
Chuck Norris knows everything there is to know- except for the definition of mercy.
by Lazarus Lord of Time July 11, 2008
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Full of mercy; characterized by, expressing, or showing mercy; compassionate.
by Wild Stellition June 8, 2014
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A very sexy, attractive, talented latina.
Very popular, and cool. People like to be surrounded by her presence. Very fun to be with many good qualities. Shes the type of girlfriend that provides you love, shelter, care, loyalty, honesty, and food.

Probably the hottest girl truly.

Wavy brown hair, with such a good style.

There is no way, to not notice her where ever she goes.
"She's a keeper, im not letting her go!"

"I wish i had mercy, really"
"Look at her. Why is she not my girl?!!!"

"Theres nothing i want more then to feel her lips touch my lips"

"Kms, shes too hot"
by Mercy. March 14, 2017
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