when you have the nut hand and someone bets into you!
i knew i would "make bank" when i flopped quad aces, and the guy behind me went all in!
by kyle mang July 28, 2006
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Need to or desire to make money for some defined purpose or goal. Rent, mortgage, Aruba, kid's tuition, killer LED flat screen, night vision goggles, helicopter leasing, etc. The "earning" part of earning and burning. Usually followed by an edgey or vulgar noun. Like bro, dude, sister, chief, motha fuka, biatch. An interesting approach to making one's relative lack of funds seem more cool and hip in bro-to-bro or bro-to ho-discussions. Can be used in different tenses and forms: Make bank, made bank, making bank
Bro-to-Bro, "Yeah, I'm working this weekend man. That Cabo trip is coming up and I gotta make bank, holmes.."

Office Drone 1 : You still here dude?
Office Drone 2: Making bank, muthafuka!

Bro-to-ho, "I know you want set the date, but baby I gots to makes the bank, you hear? No ca-ching, no bling. Now get in the kitchen and make me a damn pie."
by Max Caffeine September 15, 2009
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When someone has money. Any amount of money more than what you personally have is bank. Like it's slang for having money.
Damn you making bank!
When you broke and you see somebody pull a wad of money out you gone be like "damn you making bank"
by Tremaineswife October 5, 2014
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To make a lot of cash.

bank dinero earned money getting rich money moolah success
Does Jay-Z make mad bank?He's makin' mad bank, boyee!
by iamtruthseeker December 27, 2016
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Making a bank means to be earning o lot of money, more than you can handle.
Man, after I get this job I'll make a bank!
by abellaxo April 3, 2017
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