1. (n) A person who is long, lanky, and can't quite handle him or herself while doing physical activities, such as playing basketball, dancing, walking, etc.
2. (adjective--Lurpy) Used for any object that isn't quite how it should be, in a spacial sense.

'lurp' has varying forms depending on whether it is being used as a noun, adjective, adverb, or verb. 'to lurp' is the verb. One can lurp, be a lurp, be a lurpster, be lurpy, or just plain lurp around
1. Look at Jeff, he's such a lurp!
2. My hair is so lurpy today.
by Sally June 23, 2003
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a big dorky,clumsy person. Usually a guy.
That guy's a lurp.
by Anonymous April 25, 2003
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A man who seeks to have sex with a girl and tries to make it happen using tired lines and creepy body language.
As in, "That guy is such a lurp, I saw him grab that girl's titty a second ago. Don't you dare go home with him."

Also usable as an adjective, as in "That was really lurpy of you to say that ole worn-out line."
by padi July 15, 2005
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1. lurp(ed) -verb: to steal(stole).

2. Lurper (or lurping-ass) -noun: one who steals, is nosy, carpet picks, or is paranoid.

3. Lurped Out -adj: being extreamly high on meth.
1. "I'ma lurp that car." "I lurped a grip of shit from Wal-Mart"

2. "I bet that lurpin' ass Scott stole the check book."

3. " Damn, dude I put so much shit in my arm, I'm lurped the fuck out."
by Ashley (A - Dub) December 14, 2007
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1. Noun: Oral sex.
2. Verb: To perform oral sex.

Synonyms: Fellatio, Head, Buffs.
As a noun: "This really hot girl wants to give me the lurps."
As a verb: "Are you gonna lurp me?"
by xw8 February 6, 2010
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To make sexual advances in a creepy and inappropriate manner. Such as an old dude lurping on a teenager, or a married dude lurping on a woman that is not his wife.
Dude, David was totally lurping on Stacy last night! Not cool!
by jessakill September 3, 2013
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