An expression used when you were given a really nice blow job or basically given some really nice action involving the penis.
George: Hey, guess what?

Daniel: What?

George: Last night, your mom robbed my dick like Dick Robinson!!!
by 65846 June 30, 2010
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to act like a self centered narcissist whose only concern is himself and what he/she wants.Everyone else doesn't count.
Dan takes the last piece of birthday cake from his son's birthday even though the kid has been saving it and Dan's had a piece,so he will"act like a dick" and eat it in front of the kid.
by wordwitt December 29, 2011
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hey ninja ya like dick and balls
hey ninja ya like dick and balls
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When someone "likes" something on Facebook because it is amusing due to a personal joke between friends or in a manner of sarcasm and mocking, not because they actually genuinely like the photo, status or comment.

Or more simply, someone "likes" something to be a dick.

Similar to "dick face" and "dick comment".
Yo Alvin, I saw your dick like on that photo of me reindeering, not cool man.
by sophocles69 December 7, 2012
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to have a dick like lightning is to not sleep with the same person (usually female) more than once, referring to the saying that lightning doesnt strike the same place twice.
"Can't strike twice man, dick like lightning" - Kota Minyota "P.I.M.P. in E.P.
by X-quisite November 23, 2011
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