to vomit (puke) uncontroably & quite suddenly
"Kitchen just Kitched"
"thanks for the cone #BLEAH# Whoa, I just Kitched"
"Did you see him kitch all over himself?"
by jonessc September 9, 2007
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Used as both an adjective and noun to describe a shorter, beautiful, and kind-hearted girl with notably fantastic boobs and a butt to match. A kind and kinky bitch.
Yo babe, check it out; that kitch is kitch! I want you to suck on her nipples while I eat her out!
by BeenFlicking May 5, 2016
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KITCHING is if you laugh very strangely at something that isnt that funny. To KITCH is to laugh strangely. A KITCHER is a person who laughs strangely.
Somebody reads a poster that says,"Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me."

a KITCHER then starts KITCHING
by Daniel Cale June 2, 2007
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Pop x 10, a style for the modern day artist or bohemian. A combination of different styles like kandy kid, punk, grunge goth, but sprinkled with a sort-of vintage feel.
star-shaped sunglasses, glitter suspenders, clips, hairbands, short shorts, boots, showing skin, twirly psycho tattoos, handmade clothes and hand painted shoes, lollipops, weed, art, new age are all kitchy
by Marlitharn October 6, 2008
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Slang for the female genitalia. Developed in Holland, it originates from the saying "Neuken in de Keuken" which means "having sex in the kitchen." The phrase was shortened to "Neuk in de Kreuk" which when translated to English by American exchange students resulted in "fuck in the kitch." The original meaning of the word "kitch" was altered and Kitch became slang for female genitalia.
"Danggam, she got a roootin' tootin' kitch!"
by ibNeverGonnaHurtMe August 29, 2018
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"Dude that tv is so kitch"
by Nick0427 July 11, 2008
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