A shorter way to write Jeff Zhao. Sounds less like a china man name.
"Yo, JZ, ma nigga!"
by JZ Theory June 26, 2003
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Follower and channel for the great 35000-year-old Ramtha from the lost city of Atlantis! Words from JZ, "In 1977 in my kitchen, in February, in Tacoma, Washington I was playing with pyramids that we used to dehydrate food. I put one on my head and I thought, well, if this will do this to baloney, what will it do with my brain? So I put it on my head and started laughing. And I picked it up and there was this glitter at the end of my little kitchen — this glitter, like you would take a handful and turn it loose through a ray of sunshine — and there were these lights happening at the end of my kitchen, and I was just mesmerized. And there appeared this seven-foot-tall entity who was as big as life and the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. And he had this big beautiful smile on his face. He had long fingers and long hands, black dancing eyes. And he looked at me and he said, “Beloved woman, I am Ramtha the Enlightened One, and I have come to help you over the ditch.” And, well, what would you do? And I didn’t understand that because I am a simple person, so I looked to see if the floor was still underneath the chair. And he said, “It is called the ditch of limitation.” And he said, “I am here, and we are going to do grand work together.”
JZ Knight made millions of dollars as a cult leader.
by JZ Knight June 6, 2005
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1. Used in SMS messaging as substitute for "the". Derrived from the original "v" and sarcasticated by adding "jz".
"Do u hav jz v code 4 max payn on xb?"
by RENEGATUS DOT COM October 12, 2003
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The Pack-A-Punched (Overpowered) version of the Wunderwaffe DG-2. The Wunderwaffe DG-3 JZ is powered by the element 115 or Umpendium, a fictional element created by Treyarch that was found on a meteorite in the swamp of Shi No Numa.

This weapon fires a bolt of electricity that fries the Nazi Zombies almost completely and then links to other Nazi Zombies nearby resulting in a large chain of electricity. Useful for clearing a room
Those bitches just got fried by the Wunderwaffe DG-3 JZ!

Can I try?

by DR. RICHTOFEN13225 April 24, 2011
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a person who has exceptionally narrow shoulders, looks at least a decade above their age, and is generally homosexual.
“omg, what’s up with jz’s ratio?”
bro is literally 2-dimensional”
hella zesty too”
by gabe husterd October 7, 2022
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Jz is a person who looks like a dog and you're favorite friend who bullies you too much until your self-esteem is so low to the point of you thinking about suicide and question you life.
Daven: I will Jz you rienzi
Rienzi: No don't jz me!
by Dr. Jenster M.D. November 25, 2021
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