A Jes is the kind of girl you want to be around all the time. Although sometimes she can be feisty she still an amazing person. She’s outgoing beautiful and very caring and always wants to hang out with her friends. She doesn’t care what other people think of her the only opinion that she cares about is hers. If she doesn’t like a person she will act like a bad bleep towards them sometimes. She is crazy, wild but still at the same time she is still very lady like. She’s the kind of girl who loves chocolate and can’t get over the fact that she loves chocolate. She can get on a sugar rush very easily and go crazy which is the funniest part about her. If you ever me a Jess never lose them because you’re regret it because there the best person you’ll ever meet. And they always bring the best out of you no matter what.
Hey, you know a jes

Yeah she is the best girl ever
by Knoca November 23, 2020
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How a mexican says yes, also simply a better way of saying yes; best if used as a single word in an answer.
Person A: Did you see that guy?
Person B: Jes
by Mojocrazy October 13, 2009
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A really sweet girl with an amazing and fun name!
Je, your the coolest!
by Social Butterfly. July 7, 2011
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The definition of a real man. Someone who loves the earth and water. A guy who has a heart for anything living. Hands that heal, and a body of a God. Someone who is patient. Steady. Loving. Interesting. Intelligent. Whitty. And optimistic. A guy who knows how to make a woman really mean. He is a rollercoaster with mood swings but each mood somehow will make you fall in love over and over again with him everytime they change. He is often looked upon with jealousy by other men at the fact that jes is just a better man usually than most men. He is a awnry one too so don't get on his bad side... he is not revengeful but if you try and put him down in a crowd of people you will walk away feeling stupid. Jes has charm and can adapt to any situation. He is loyal and a great friend.. a great father and perfect partner he is organized and clean and all around a perfect man.
I'm so in love with jes.
by Ashesxxlakes September 27, 2019
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The blackest most ghettoest person alive. Yo mad gangstar yo chill
Yeah kid je is macken in the crib son
by CHill Himie March 6, 2005
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Jes is a boys or mens name.

Sometimes related to the Danish newshost and journalist, Jes Dorph-Petersen.

Someone who's usually strongly oppinunated.

Not to be confused with a way of saying "Yes" or shorting down a name.
"We're going to do a microphone check, Jes."

"Don't eat the cat's food, Jes!!"
by SuperAlterEgo July 7, 2009
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