Means: i telling you. Used in Bahamian Slang meaning exactly, ikr.
Girl ity Mya dont understand what i am telling her is true.
by Lecia💗. December 9, 2021
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Generic name for Italians, used largely during the second world war by the British.
Those Ities are just a bunch of gangsters
by Rado September 23, 2004
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The feeling you get after you eat tons of food. You feel drowsy and do not want to do anything all day.
John:"yo bro, all of that Mexican food at Burrito Bandito gave me the itis."
Sam: "I know dude, I just wanna lay down and sleep dawg."
by Kolvk October 3, 2012
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A variation and shortening of Niggaitis; The overwhelming sleepy feeling that comes over people after they have eaten too much food. Usually people get the 'itis after eating rich soul food during the holidays.
I have the itis so I am going to lay down and take a nap.

I don't want to eat too much because I will get the 'itis.
by Berry August 16, 2004
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Short for "Italian."
Spaghetti, gnocchi, and calzones are all types of Ity food.
by Fat Tony Giovanni April 11, 2007
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Internet Introvert: a IU (Internet User) that is very shy to chat with people on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
Sm1: My entire family likes to be ITIs on YouTube!
Sm2: I'm a ITI. I don't really like to chat
by henrevenge168 November 27, 2021
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verb. i-tiss

Drowsy or sleepy effect linked to digesting large meals, usually high in fat or salt content.

Note: The digestive system uses roughly 60% of your energy while you idle about daily, so after eating large meals the digestive system takes energy from other areas of the body, allowing it to work faster, and bringing about a sleepy effect.
Melinda planned on waking up early and doing some shopping on Black Friday, but after her huge Thanksgiving meal the itis set in, and she woke up late in the afternoon.
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