Turkish name of the English name Ishmael.

Ishmael is a figure in the Hebrew Bible and the Qur'an, and was Abraham's first born child according to Jews, Christians and Muslims.
Ishmael was born of Abraham's marriage to Sarah's handmaiden Hagar.

According to the Genesis account, he died at the age of 137
ismail mutfakta biri mi var?

(is there anybody in the kitchen ismail?)
by Fraghera October 31, 2011
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sexy, very fuckable, & extremely yummy.
ismail is a sexy mo fo.
by zemer. March 7, 2008
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can be used as a noun or a verb

1. Something that is very cool
2. Doing anything that is very cool
1. Shits thats very Ismail
2. Lets get some Ismail going on here
by Joshuah Stern November 22, 2007
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He's a good guy who's awesome, maybe a tad bit short but like who cares right? He's fun to hang out with and his skills in football are like sooo cool and his appearance is just Hot afffff with that capital H
Oh look it's and Ismail
by NAMESHIPPER December 17, 2017
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The bestfriend you can ever imagine, he knows how to keep a lady happy, and is always open to meet new people and make new Friends you should be very happy with an Ismail in your life
He is the perfect ismail
by Craaayzkiddo January 24, 2018
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He's the best boyfriend in the world.
He's every girls dream.
He will always make every person happy despite the circumstances.
He has also a dangerous girlfriend, so be careful girlss. He's taken.
They have a dream.
A: Do you know Ismail?
B: Which one?
A:Fabjolas boyfriend.
B: I know sth about him cause Fabjola would kill me if I had known more.
B: Of course not. Better watch out girl.
by Is1995 January 5, 2017
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