a. descripttion word of a crazy moment.

b.a situation of intense pressure.

c. A filler word in a break in the conversation.

d. Used in a phrase to be extra cool, funny and to add meaning to the word.
a.Damn. That fight was intense.

b.That test was so intense.

c.Bob: yeah
Sally: uh huh........
Bob: intense.

d.That was intense like the circus.
That was intense like camping.
by C07 June 26, 2005
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When something is so epic that it blows your mind.
Al: "Dude, I just watched the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and Smokey and the Bandit back to back."

Mike: "Intense."
by Roasted Chicken Recipe December 6, 2009
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1 extreme and forceful or very strong (feelings).
2 a very serious or earnest person.
Man that was some intense heat back there.

That was quite the intense young man.
by Alex Pipe June 5, 2004
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Adjective version of intense; to be used to describe an intense moment.
Woah man, that conversation was so intensive...

John, why do you have to be so intensive?
by agirlperson July 19, 2010
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The state of being under the most extreme conditions
Andrew- "Dude, what was that party like?"
P.A.- "dude, it was intense"
by Urban Dictionary May 31, 2006
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Where something is really really intense and fantastical, resulting in the word intensical.
Wow, that was super intensical!
by MURG111112 September 26, 2009
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