"inned" is when a girl manages to get a guy inside her

"inned" refers to when a girl manages to get a guy inside of her

The female equivalent of in
The new guy is so hot, I wanna get inned by him
by the-hashslingingslasher April 29, 2015
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To have way with somebody or to be "in".
Dayum, she hot. I want ins.
by Fruit_Salad May 14, 2011
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A sexy brunette with a nice ass, she allso has nice boobs.

If you see an Ine, don't get to close, sh might bite!
Oh, look! There is an Ine!! We gotta run!
by Instyre October 31, 2016
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A totally fucking rad girl, usually of extreme intelligence. Normally hella honest, and that could freak people out.
Commonly found in big cities/capitals. Ines may literally mean cautious lamb, but truly the common meaning for it is the fucking best shit in the world who may like lambs. Thats the correlation between the meaning and the true understanding. Can be used as a sexual innuendo, meaning the best fuck in life.
"That was the best Ines of my life"
"Did you see that Ines, shes a once in a lifetime"
by bumblebeeps September 16, 2010
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(US GOVERNMENT) Immigration and Naturalization Service: former agency of the US government responsible for the enforcement of immigration law, and the processing of visa/permit requests. The INS and its successor (see below) are justly famous for treating millions of hardworking, intelligent, and creative people with the most demeaning, barbaric sort of bureaucratic cruelty imaginable.

After the attacks of 11 September 2001, Congress passed a bill creating the Department of Homeland Security (DHS); the INS was split up into its enforcement functions (which became part of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and its processing functions (Citizenship and Immigration Services, or CIS).

Prior to its dissolution in 2003, the INS was part of the Department of Justice. The CIS and ICE are both part of the DHS.
Because of its extraordinary power over the lives of millions of US nationals and residents, the Immigration and Naturalization Service gained lasting notoriety. Seven years after it was superseded by the CIS, most people associated visa regulations with the INS.

"Brother from Another Planet" was a brilliant parody of INS agent behavior.
by Primus Intra Pares June 16, 2010
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