gum to teeth ratio. when a girl has huge gums and tiny ass teeth
a girl that is hot until she smiles and nothing shows but her gums
by matt whetstone April 24, 2005
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Godzilla of the road” or as originally known as “Godzilla” a Nissan make.
Yo check out that Nissan GTR, “Godzilla of The Road”.
by Wizardofozz September 7, 2019
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Acronym related to Gamertag Radio. GTR is an online radio show dedicated to the Xbox Live community and intended to help unite all online gamers. Just recently GTR join the MTV Generation Tribe Network and Spike's Guys Tribe.
by Miss GTR February 28, 2009
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GTR- Got to run
GTR- Gotta run
Friend: Yo man what are your plans later
Friend2: Nothin much but i gtr.. im doin shit now
Friend: yo bro.. that must be some important shit.. bro...
by Catl0ver April 15, 2011
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GTR - A term in DJing for when the dancefloor goes crazy because of the music and not the people they're dancing with. (Short for GoingToRave)
"How was your set, last night?"
"Epic! I GTRed at 10:23p"
by JoeeIrwin August 16, 2007
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Short for "GameTalk Restoration", currently located at:

It was created by Daniel T. (A.K.A. Thesus) in early 2009, probably because he had nothing better to do with his time.
It's purpose is to replace GT (GameTalk) until the 2.0 Beta version of the site is up and running, but it's highly doubted that it will ever actually come back.
Appearance-wise it is nearly an exact replica of the old GT, there are very few members though, and most members consist of RPing faggots and wannabe trolls, some of which used to be cool-ish regulars on GT, but lack of GT ultimately led to their fail.
Moderators are still needed to keep the site appropriate, since a lot of them blatantly suck (e.g. Karuno, Sevon-ay, Deselena, Nyx, etc.), and the ones who are actually good (e.g. Terand, Porcelain Doll, Denida, etc.) usually have better things to do with their time.

More recently, the site is asking for donations from its members to help Daniel be able select a better host for the site as well as purchase some other features.
I guess he went from bumming off his family to bumming off internet dweebs.
It's highly recommended that you keep your money in your pockets, though, as Daniel has already mentioned that the site is only a temporary thing until GT is up, meaning any money donated will eventually go to waste. And if GT never comes back (which it likely won't), Daniel will probably just forget about the site altogether until it glitches out and dies.
GTR. Go there. See what I'm talking about.
by JackaWacka July 6, 2009
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