1) A person who can take The Whole Ten Yards during fellatio.
2) The porn alter-ego of Spideman's nemesis.
Metrosexual usage: "She is a real Knob Goblin. She took The Whole Ten Yards and then some."

Rural usage: "Damn boy, whoooeee! That Knob Goblin sure smoked The Whole Ten Yards and good!"

Comic book usage: "Spidey sure didn't stand a chance against the Knob Goblin. His weapons are fierce!"
by Charlie White October 13, 2004
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someone that "gobbles the knob" in other words someone who gives blow jobs generally is a girl
Dude shelby is the best knob goblin i know!
by shelbers34 January 22, 2009
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Its an alternate name for the spiderman character green goblin. The knob goblin is a person that gobbles knobs. Sucks meat off the bone. Someone that enjoys eating throbbing cocks with gigantic veins and swallowng massive loads!
As Jimmy Tootuls grows angry he turns into the knob goblin, eating every cock in site and swallowing ocean size loads of jizz!!!
by JUMBO LEGO November 16, 2009
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a college co-eds that cannot quit putting the dick in her mouth to save her life
"Holy Shit!! That bitch is sucha a knob goblin. I bet she could take down a pool cue!!"
by yeti042 February 26, 2003
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