A term you found while searching girlfriend because you’re a lonely person.

Someone who thinks VERY highly of herself.
Man look at that. She’s the girl who wanted to be god.”

Are you lonely?
by ShiftReturn November 1, 2017
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A person of the female gender who consumes expensive fish eggs commonly known as caviar.
Chad: "Do you girls eat caviar?"
Girls: "Yeah."
Chad: "So you are girls who eat caviar?"
Girls: "We are females who consume fish eggs."
by Chingchongweenie April 11, 2021
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Either this girl has a horse and lives on a bunny farm or she’s an FBI agent who has really good eyesight.
Mom: The mall invasion got so bad that they had to send the girls who eat carrots.
You: Wow! That must have been serious. They have a good eye being able to catch all the culprits.
Mom: must have been all the carrots they ate.
by Coolcat11:11 September 4, 2021
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A female-identifying person who has good vision, probably on account of all the carrots she eats.
God, girls who eat carrots save big on optometrist bills
by Professor Bryce Hall April 28, 2021
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A girl who cries wolf is an all to common occurence in today's society. If a guy makes advances towards a girl that likes him, he's a hunk, cutie, or sweetiepie. If she doesn't like him, even with the exact same advances, he's a creeper, stalker or loner.
The girl will often retaliate by seeking to embarrass and spread all kinds of cruel rumours about the poor sap.
This often happens to any geek/nerd,skinny or shy guy that doesn't follow social etiquette and musters the courage to ask out a pretty or popular girl rather then pursuing the ugliest girl in school or simply remaining a virgin.
David, a nice,shy aw-shucks kind of kid who had a crush on kaydra, whose pretty grey-blue eyes made his heart skip everytime he saw here. One day he worked up the courage to give her a love-note is class. She was not impressed by this "loser" and became the girl who cried wolf ; spreading the rumour around school that David was gay.
by bitches be frontin' May 16, 2008
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girl who has had enough experience with men to know that they are ALWAYS wrong.
I'm a girl who cant be wrong.....I've meet men like him before.
by imnotwrong March 8, 2007