Mark slowly and passionately shoves his hard cock up derreks ass
This is gay sex
by Homoboi999 January 8, 2021
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Gay sex is when two men have sex
Gay sex is when two men have sex
Jason: uhh Harder dadddy uhh uhhh
Josh: uhh uhh

Jason:You got cum on my blanket
Josh: Just Fuck me harder!
by Sus#123 August 19, 2020
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Literally the opposite of heterosexual sex.

Typically between 2 gay men, but can easily be between 2 gay (lesbian) women.
“Hey, Victor... WANT TO HAVE GAY SEX?”

“Sure, let’s do it...”

“Let’s 69 first!”

“That’s hot.”
by Elsa Buttersworth December 5, 2019
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Admit it....the kind of sex you really want!
Ewwwww! Those guys are having gay sex!
by richard September 14, 2004
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When Andrew sticks his big dick in joshs asshole they have gay sex
by Sisters-in-law September 10, 2019
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