Where the gusset of your knickers gets a bit of a creamy skidmark/discharge topping.
I didn't wipe properly the other day and when I took my knickers off there was a bit of a gusset ganache going on.
by SteampunkDali June 9, 2022
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Ganache is a sweet filling,sauce,icing.glaze
I would like chocolate ganache filling in my cake please
by I eat toes all day June 25, 2022
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A completely unnecessary yet totally tasty creamy topping to a cake or dessert. Often chocolate.
“Jason, should I make a ganache for the cheesecake?”
“Put some ganache on... totally decadent.”
by Nototerror April 14, 2021
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A man with kidney stones blowing a bloody load inside the pooper.
It hurt like a muthafuckah, but I gave Lindsey a hell of a Rusty Ganache last night.
by Gnarly174738 March 23, 2014
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A wicked monster that attacks all drag queens and people of any difference, using wrong pronouns and dead names to take down their victims. Body shaming is one of their strong suits, aswell as being delusional
Stay away from that creamy ganache, that monster is evil
by Ronniebowlers February 9, 2021
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