An expression from the town of Blackburn in Northern England to describe an vacuous headed individual who speaks with a mono tonal drone.

To be a Furness you would be devoid of personal social skills, and have a social network totally reliant on an internet connection. Furness's have been known to set up personal websites to create an illusion of self importance, of course everyone will know this. Furness's are not adverse to using bigland to get there own way, or to dominate there internet social peers.

Furness's have personal traits that include childishness, and stubbornness. Furness's are also to known to have lower than average intelligence and work in unskilled and mundane occupations (e.g. Restaurants / Factories)
See that Ian on his motorbike he is a right Furness
by Julian Whitby August 30, 2008
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Human Pubic Hair, or lack there of
Louis has no fur at all for a 13 year old guy!
by Jack November 13, 2004
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A familiar label for a furry often used like the word “person” or "human."
Many of my fellow furs would agree.
by Colin Ritter August 6, 2003
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n. the act or state of sexual intercourse refering to the pubic hair of the female. origin: Baltimore,Maryland.
by tdogg December 29, 2004
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An expression from the town of Blackburn in Northern England to describe an vacuous headed individual who speaks with a mono tonal drone.

To be a Furness you would be devoid of personal social skills, and have a social network totally reliant on an internet connection. Furness's have been known to set up personal websites to create an illusion of self importance, of course everyone will know this. Furness's are not adverse to using bigland to get there own way, or to dominate there internet social peers.

Furness's have personal traits that include childishness, and stubbornness. Furness's are also to known to have lower than average intelligence and work and work in unskilled and mundane occupations (e.g. Restaurants / Factories)
See that Ian on his motorbike he is a right Furness
by Julian Whitby August 30, 2008
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Fur can be a replacement for the word "fuck". Fur is derived from the nickname of Jennifer P. it later became a common usage for the word "fuck" when the phrase "What the Fur?" became popular usage in the GCBC Youth Group in Roanoke, VA.
Holy Mother of Fur! What the Fur are you doing here??! You're supposed to be mowing the Furring lawn!
by Reed Braden December 19, 2004
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A talented soul, ellz's sportadork. A pumpkin spice pillow, apple, and baby corn plant.
Someone who once famously said 'ni corn',,,,, a very poetic phrase if you ask me.
A chaotic lad who loves lazy town
Person 1: Omg have you seen fur's edit
Person 2: Ofc, why wouldn't i have seen that art
Ellz *wails and cries intensely over the art they have just witnessed*
by Hxwellz October 15, 2020
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