A good retort to people who use urbandictionary to argue about politics.
You wanna argue about politics? FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKERS, go back to MySpace.
by RySenkari October 7, 2006
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1. Exclamation of frustration most commonly used when unable to accomplish a relativly simple or mundane task.

2. Realization of common knowledge.
I just got home from work, and found my wife fucking some other dude, so I yelled, FUCKING SHIT, MOTHERFUCKER!
by mattstud36 December 25, 2003
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A good retort to someone who is so ignorantly patriotic that they believe anyone who has a problem with the way their country is run or has an opinion that is different than the majority is "un-American" and doesn't deserve to live there. These people are usually in the religious right and are actually the only proof against human evolution.
Got a problem with me expressing my opinions? FUCK YOU, MOTHERFUCKERS. Go back to church.
by Ruby September 20, 2004
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when you get really pissed off at someone and put swear words together to make an insult that doesn't make much sense
dickhead: oi! i slept with your mum last night

you: fucking motherfucking shit dick cunt fuck face!

dickhead: what?

you: never mind
by pioneer2108 December 29, 2011
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a phrase commonly used to express anger and disgust toward free Americans who insist upon trashing the very country which provides them frredom to do so. Disagreement and protest are understandable and allowable, but outright disrespect usually erupts in this such terminology;
Don't like America? FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKERS. Move, we won't miss you.
by Rusty May 12, 2003
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Among the extreme level of f-word. Is used when you want to exaggerate your statement or inquiry, and you're out of sensible words.
1. What the motherfucking fucking fuck have you done you motherfucking assrape bastard?!
2. How the motherfucking fucking fuck are you going to pay the bills now?!!
3. Get the motherfucking fucking fuck off my lawn!!
by chrno July 28, 2010
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