something that tried so hard to be good, but in the end it doesn't even matter.
Because it's just shit
American dad is a frontside misty
by .hEliuM April 17, 2016
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to snort a line of cocaine using the other nostral oppose to using the nostral you regularly snort coke with.
Noah did a switch frontside noseslide on a gorilla finger that $trizz broke out for him.
by Uphill $trizzy October 10, 2006
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When the average person participates in an extreme sport(wakeboarding, snowboarding...) and rather than being experienced enough to do the Frontside 1080, McTwist, Backside whatever...he/she does the "Frontside 90 Faceplant". In my experience, your board rotates forward and you slam you face into whatever terrain you are working with (usually causing extreme pain and irritation). Thriling for onlookers. Not so much fun for you.
This trick is usually carried out at higher speeds.

While snowboarding, the impact of the Frontside 90 Faceplant may result in one more rotation causing you to lie on your back in agony.
Audience: "OOOooohhhh......ouch! That was a great Frontside 90 Faceplant!!"

Victim: (After swimming to catch his/her stray wakeboard with what, at this point, may or may not be a concussion) "Here, take this stupid thing. I'm done. Let me back into the boat."
by Amy_4784 August 19, 2008
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When someone sucks a dick and blows smoke out their nose at the same time.
Yesterday that blonde bitch gave me the best frontside misty .
by Illuminater45 March 21, 2016
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