Someone that is pretty much worthless to you Nevertheless they will serve to satisfy your sexual desires
Mr. or Ms Smith is a useless piece of shit but I can use him or her as a free freaking fuck
by Sampam1401 May 29, 2021
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1. (verb) having sex in a simulated-skydiving vertical wind tunnel.
2. (noun) the act of having sex in a simulated-skydiving vertical wind tunnel.
2. (adj.) used as part of a description for a fun experience or especially provocative sexual experience that can be compared to having sex in a vertical wind tunnel.
1. 'I took Jennie to my personal vertical wind tunnel, but my dog walked in on us Free Fall Fucking before we finished.'
2. 'That roller coaster almost compares to my Free Fall Fuck.'
3. 'This is so Free Fall Fucking amazing!'
by Patrick McGiantGroin October 6, 2008
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A 14 day or two week period in which one dose not engage in sexual intercorse.
Man I haven’t had sex in like two weeks it’s been a fuck free fortnight.
by No nutt April 14, 2019
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First sexual intercourse after ending it with your significant other. Done primarily to reaffirm that you are still in the game and a one-time pass to engage in guilt-free, no-strings-attached indulgence of your primal desires with someone who would otherwise be socially off-limits.
"My old gal-pal Bobbie came over and banged my brains out last night. Don't think she's looking for a relationship though. She just broke up with her boyfriend. so it was probably her Free Agent Fuck."
by Zarathud April 10, 2012
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A place in the office where sex with hookers are off limits. The origin is from the Wolf of Wall Street, Staring Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill, directed by Martin Scorceses.
During the hours between 9 and 6 Straton-Oakmont was a Fuck free Zone.

-Jordan Belfort
by Viscount Druitt January 10, 2023
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