andrew:thats straight up!

Joe:like my FOOM!!!!
by FOOMliker March 25, 2010
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To suck face on a bus either to, from, or in between marching band competitions.
"The people in the seat of me are fooming. Gotta alert the entire bus. FOOMING! FOOMING!"
by Jewno1234 September 18, 2011
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Foom is the sound fire makes. It's used in the Lenore comic by Roman Dirge.
"O.K., so you like don't remember I was here before and I was frolicking about with a bunny on my head and... and you said 'Let's dance' and I said 'O.K.' and the next thing I knew you're all FOOM with the fire and the evil and the kill'n..."
-- Lenore #7, 'The Dream Catcher'
by Dreu Loy May 22, 2004
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to unexpectadely be thrown through the windshield of a pick up truck due to stopping short and not wearing a seatbelt
"Why did you stop like that? I almost foomed!"
by Airy December 22, 2006
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An expression most commonly projected from the mouth of Robbie as a form of greeting. Normally used in conjuction with MSN Instant Messaging.
"Robbie says: foom!
Robbie says: how r u?
Joe Bloggs says: fine u?" etc.
by Jim Coppin April 13, 2005
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